IETI Privacy

1. General

The protection of your personal data is of the utmost importance to us. In this privacy policy, we explain how we collect data, what data we collect, how we use the information, how your data is secured, how you can contact us and what rights you have. The collection, use and storing of your personal information follows the European privacy laws, including the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Berlin Data Protection Act 2018.
Personal data is all the information that is related to you or identifiable as you. This includes your name, email address, location, IP address, etc.

To respect and protect the privacy of your data we follow three ground rules:

1. We do not collect more data than necessary
2. We do not store your information longer than necessary
3. We will only provide your data to project collaborators to fulfil the objectives of the project and its activities

2. Who is responsible for the processing of personal data?

The processing of personal data is the responsibility of:

IETI – Impact-oriented Public Engagement

Managing Director Herr Junker


Data protection officer of the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin:


3. When do we collect data?

  • When you visit the IETI-website
  • When you register for one of our activities
  • When you contact us, .e.g. by phone or mail

4. Which data do we collect?

4.1 Website visit

When you visit the IETI-website, we collect certain data relevant for data security and data protection. The stored data is used exclusively for the purpose of identification and tracking of unauthorised access attempts or access to the web server as well as for general statistical evaluations. The data is used anonymously. No profiles of individual users will be generated.

Depending on the access protocol, the following details will be collected:

  • IP address of the computer requesting data
  • Host name of the IP address
  • Name of the requested website, file or action
  • Date and time of the request
  • Volume of data transmitted
  • Access status of the web server (file transmitted, file not found, command not executed, etc.)
  • Description of the web browser used
  • URL from which access was prompted

4.2 IETI activities

From participants in our activities (hereinafter referred to as “Participants”), it is possible that we
collect the following information:

  • Title
  • First name
  • Last name
  • Job title
  • Employment category
  • Organisation
  • Mobile number
  • Email address
  • City
  • Country
  • Social media accounts, such as but not limited to LinkedIn, X
  • IP address
  • Allergies or other dietary requirements
  • Special needs
  • Picture / video / audio
  • Biography and professional interest

The purposes for which we hold and process the data of participants include:

  • In order to contact you if this is necessary to be able to carry out our services, e.g. when you register for one of our activities
  • To do user administration
  • For statistical purposes
  • For evaluation and impact purposes
  • To send you relevant information related to our activities
  • To publish pictures and videos of activities if you have not objected against the use of those
  • To comply with legal obligations
  • When the legitimate interest of our project and organisation requires it (in which case we will communicate this to you)

5. Cookies

The IETI-website uses cookies. Cookies are data packets sent by a web server to your browser which then stores the data onto your computer’s hard drive. The website cannot function properly without cookies. The use of cookies allows us to provide a more user-friendly website. By getting feedback on the users needs we can optimise our information and service. Most websites are using cookies. When visiting our website for the first time, you have the opportunity to decline non-necessary cookies. Please be aware that you may not be able to use all functions of our website when you inactivate the use of non-necessary cookies. Cookies already in place can be deleted through the web browser or other software programs. You can change your cookie choices through the cookie settings.

6. Web Analytics

We will only use a web analytic solution on the basis of your consent in accordance with GDPR Art. 6 Section 1 letter a, Art. 7. The consent is obtained by a cookie pop-up window (see 5) and can be revoked by disabling analytical cookies. For the web analytics we use Matomo (see 7).

7. Matomo

We have integrated the Matomo component with an anonymisation function on our webpages. Matomo is an open source web analytics software tool that allows us to analyse the behaviour and usage of our website visitors. You find further information about Matomo and their data protection provisions on their website.

8. Social Plugins

We use plugins from the social network provider’s LinkedIn, X (formerly Twitter) and Youtube on our website. By integrating these plugins, website users can be redirected to social media content and watch videos on our website. When you access a webpage on our website that features these plugins, your browser will automatically establish a connection with the relevant service provider’s servers. Some of the social network providers mentioned above are run by countries outside of the EU. Note that the privacy policy of those providers can differ from our own. For further information check the policies of LinkedIn, Youtube (Google), X (formerly Twitter). The plugins carry the logo of the network or provider. You can decline the allowance of social plugins in the cookie settings (see 5). If you do, please note that you may not be able to use the full functionality of the IETI website.

9. What about external links/providers?

Our website may contain links to other websites. This privacy policy only applies for the internet services of IETI. We are neither responsible or liable for the content and data security of linked websites. We therefore recommend that you read the privacy policy of the external providers.

10. How is my data secured?

In order to protect the data collected by us from loss, manipulation or access by unlawful or unauthorised individuals, we have set technical and organisational measures in place. All data is stored on protected computers only. All employees that work with personal data have received data protection training and are bound by data secrecy according to ß8 of the Berlin Privacy Act. Within the context of various activities, personal data is processed as part of contract processing in compliance with the guidelines set out in GDPR Art. 28 (see 3 and 4).

11. Which rights do I have?

Granted by the European legislator of Directives and Regulations you have the right:

  • To receive free information on personal data and a copy of this information
  • To receive your personal data and transfer it to a different controller without the interference of the current controller of the
    personal data
  • To demand immediate correction of your personal data
  • To demand immediate restriction or deletion of your personal data if the processing is illegitimate or no longer required
  • To object to the processing of data pursuant to GDPR Art. 6 Section 1 letter e or f, for reasons related to a particular situation
  • Not to be subject to decisions based on entirely automated processing without consent or need
  • To withdraw your consent to the processing of your personal data at any time

To exercise your rights contact the data processing controller (see 2).

12. Changes to this Privacy Policy

We reserve the right to change this privacy policy. All changes to our privacy policy will be available on our website.

13. Who can I contact for questions, requests or complaints?

For any questions or requests to access or correct your personal information or complaints concerning the application of this policy send an email to